This is the Day

“This is the day the Lord has made.  We will rejoice and be glad in it.” ~Psalm 118:24

As many of you know, this was one of my mom’s favorite verses…one of her favorites even during her nine month battle with cancer.  I thought it was fitting for today.  This is the day that she would have turned 63!


While going through some photos around the time of Ben’s third birthday, I ran across this one.  I’d forgotten about it and was so excited to find it.  It brought back a fun memory of my mom…we sent it to her for her 60th birthday!!  Ben was only three weeks old at the time.  I thought it would be fun to share it with everyone today!

Another favorite…Mom with Ben when he was about a week old. 

Happy Birthday, Mom!  I can’t wait to hug you again one day and see your beautiful and smiling face!  I love you and miss you so much!


Bill just sent this to me.  It’s a picture of the Saucer Magnolia that he had planted in his front yard as a memorial to Mom the April after she passed.  Look at the blooms!!  They are gorgeous just like her!!  And as Bill mentioned…perfect timing for her birthday!

1 Comment

Filed under Birthdays, Mom

One response to “This is the Day

  1. Jill

    Good Post Jo, I remember those pictures as well. It brought tears to my eyes. I will need to get copies when i’m there in April to go in the scrap book.

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